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Cheerios' Kids-Bullwinkle Breakfast Set photo

Cheerios' Kids-Bullwinkle Breakfast Set

Category: AdvertisingDate: 1960's
Type: HouseholdCondition: Excellent to Near mint
Maker: Melmac Packaging: in box
Three piece set which includes a plastic plate with color pictures of Kids and Bullwinkle(plate is excellent with some knife marks, but graphics still look great), a juice cup with line drawings of same(near mint), and a cereal bowl with color pics of the Cheerios' Kids(minor spoon marks, but still near mint). Offered as a premium from General Mills.
Price: Sold

The Cheerios Kids have been around since I was a kid in the fifties. As a matter of fact, it was the first TV ad campaign that I fell for. I remember being very disappointed as a five-year old, when after eating a bowl of Cheerios, I didn't get a big muscle in my arm shaped like a Cheerio(like the Cheerios Kid on TV). I was so disappointed, that I didn't eat Cheerios for a long time after that.
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