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Talking Ernest 17-inch Doll photo

Talking Ernest 17-inch Doll

Category: TelevisionDate: 1989
Type: DollCondition: Mint
Maker: Kenner Packaging: in box
He started out doing regional TV commercials, then movies, and then had his own Saturday morning TV kid's show. Here's the late Jim Varney (1949-2000) as the lovable Ernest who says five different phrases. KnowhatImean? (Never removed from box.)
Price: Sold

"Hey Vern, It's Ernest" was a very good show. It was not as high-tech as Pee Wee Herman's show, but it WAS very funny and entertaining. The show featured many of the same actors who also appeared in the Ernest movies. My favorite part of the show was whenever Ernest went to get a haircut and asked the barber to make him look like "a Wall Street tycoon". The barber was hard of hearing and would think he said "wall-eyed raccoon" or "wedding in June" and would make him look that way. After a shocked scream at the results, Ernest would take another look at himself in the mirror and say, "It COULD work."
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