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The Banana Splits Lp photo

The Banana Splits Lp

Category: TelevisionDate: 1968
Type: RecordCondition: Good to Excellent
Maker: Decca RecordsPackaging: none
Songs supposedly performed by the Banana Splits of the 1960's saturday morning kid's show. Features the "Tra La La Song", now being revived in a national television commercial spot. Cover is excellent with no splits(no pun intended, haw, haw). Copyright label has been taped on by the record company. Record label has some crayon marks on one side, and record shows wear but still plays. The last cut on side one has a bad scratch and may skip. Cool cover photo. Buy this one for the cover.
Price: Sold

I never felt comfortable with actors in costumes that completely covered them up, including their eyes. Theres something spooky about a silly looking character with a man inside.
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