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Andy Griffith Comedy Album photo

Andy Griffith Comedy Album

Category: TelevisionDate: 1956 (?)
Type: RecordCondition: Near mint
Maker: Capitol RecordsPackaging: none
Comedy album featuring early stand-up routines by Andy Griffith, including "What It Was, Was Football" and "Romeo and Juliet". Other than a slight bend-crease in the upper right corner of the album cover, this record is in near-mint condition. A must for Andy fans!
Price: $65

Andy Griffith is still going strong these days, but here he is in his early days of stand-up comedy. Andy changed the course of TV comedy and introduced the world to Barney Fife(winning two Emmy's for Don Knotts), Gomer Pyle(Jim Nabors), Opie Taylor(Ron Howard) and a host of other memorable characters.
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