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Famous Monsters #115 photo

Famous Monsters #115

Category: MonstersDate: 1975
Type: MagazineCondition: Excellent
Maker: Warren Publishing Co.Packaging: none
April 1975 issue of FM with cover featuring a Basil Gogos painting of Henry Hull as the "Werewolf of London". The trivia quiz has been completed in pen on pages 29 to 34 and two pictures have been clipped out of page 43. Otherwise excellent condition.
Price: Sold

Henry Hull only made one horror picture, but it was the first werewolf movie ever flmed. It wasn't a great film, but it wasn't bad. Warner Oland appeared in a non-Chan role as the werewolf specialist. Another odd thing was that the werewolf in this movie spoke, whereas Chaney's monster just growled.
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