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Snagglepuss and the Wizard of Oz LP photo

Snagglepuss and the Wizard of Oz LP

Category: Cartoons and ComicsDate: 1977
Type: RecordCondition: Excellent to Near mint
Maker: Columbia RecordsPackaging: none
Children's 33 1/3 rpm record album by Hanna-Barbera featuring Snagglepuss and the characters from the Wizard of Oz in story and song. Released in 1977, the record itself is like new and looks like it has never been played. The cover is in excellent condition with minimal wear and no split edges. There are two library stamps on the upper right of the cover (see photo) and a similar stamp in the bottom right corner. There is also the same stamp on the back in the lower left corner, with a library catalogue number written in red ink below that. The stamps and writing are small and do not detract much from the appearance of the cover.
Price: Sold

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