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Pee Wee's Playhouse Playset photo

Pee Wee's Playhouse Playset

Category: TelevisionDate: 1988
Type: Play setCondition: Mint
Maker: MatchboxPackaging: in box
This is a mint-in-box "Pee Wee's Playhouse Playset" made by Matchbox in 1988. The box is still sealed and has never been opened. There is a clean, straight razor knife mark across the top (from when the case was first opened in the store and the stock clerk was a little heavy handed with his cutter), but I don't think that the cut goes all the way through(top view photo shows razor mark running horizontally as a line at the top of the scooter body). On one end of the box, there is a small half-inch scrape (see photo detail), and about a three-inch superficial razor knife scratch. Other than these few store-inflicted marks, this toy is factory fresh and perfectly mint. Includes Pee-Wee's Scooter along with "Floory", "Clocky", "Mr. Window", "Dancing Flowers" and other accessories.
Price: Sold

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