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1965 Cleveland Browns LP photo

1965 Cleveland Browns LP

Category: Politics and HistoryDate: 1965
Type: RecordCondition: Excellent to Near mint
Maker: Pama Records(PRLP 175)Packaging: none
This is a 33-1/3 rpm vinyl recording of audio highlights from the 1965 season of the Cleveland Browns on radio. The highlights came from tapes of the actual broadcasts as they were heard on WERE in Cleveland, featuring the voices of Gib Shanley and Jim Graner. The record cover is in excellent shape with no splits and just a little wear along the edges. The record itself is near mint and plays beautifully. The front cover features a photo of the team in action and on the reverse there are facsimile autographs of the entire team, including Jim Brown. The white paper sleeve inside has a message written on it in ball point pen, as the record was given as a Christrmas gift in 1965, but it doesn't affect the condition. This record is a must for any collector of Browns memorabilia.
Price: Sold

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